Monday, September 29, 2008

Extra Network Name cluster resource causes Exchange issues

Last week I encountered a nice issue on an exchange 2007 SCC configuration at a customer. When opening the Exchange Management Console an error popped up saying:

"Cannot query cluster continuous replication status for a clustered mailbox server that is not local. server is not hosted on this cluster."

Additionally the cluster was not operating as you should expect from a cluster. When trying to take the Exchange resources offline using Powershell, the following error was displayed:

"Cluster Common Failure Exception : The cluster resource group for clustered mailbox server was not found."

And when trying to move the Exchange cluster group:

"Unable to communicate with the Cluster service on node ''. Please make sure the node is up, the Cluster service is running, and connectivity is operational."

The problem arrose when they wanted to do a restore using a RSG. After the restore was done, the store in the RSG wouldn't mount (another side affect).

After some troubleshooting we found out that an extra Network Name cluster resource was added to the Exchange Cluster Group. We had the feeling that this was causing the issue. We simulated the setup in a testlab and were able to reproduce the problems there. When deleting the additional Network Name resource, the problems went away. Just taking it offline doesn't do the trick. So lesson learned: Leave the Exchange cluster group alone!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Update: Microsoft Unified Communications Hardware Load Balancer Deployment

Microsoft released an updated HLB page on its website:

This page describes which Server Hardware Load Balancer (HLB) partners have completed interoperability qualification testing with Office Communications Server 2007 and contains pointers to accompanying deployment white papers hosted by the partner.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

FaceTime gets top honours with Network Testing Labs Review

Network Testing Labs created a special test environment for evaluating anti-malware products - putting themselves on a QUEST FOR THE BEST!

Here's what Barry Nance, of Networking Testing Labs saidWith unerring accuracy and quick, unobtrusive performance, FaceTime Communications’ Unified Security Gateway appliance easily thwarted virtually all Internet-based malware in our tests, and it gave us complete control, at a fine level, over which social networking and other non-business Internet applications we wanted to allow on our network. As a result, Unified Security Gateway garnered top honors in this Secure Web Gateway review

For the complete review check the following link:

Office Communications Server 2007 Edge Planning Tool

Many people are struggling with the configuration of the OCS Edge servers in their DMZ. Certificates, routing and publishing are some of the topics that we see a lot of questions about on the web. Microsoft now has released the OCS 2007 Edge Planning Tool, which will help admins a lot with the configuration of their Edge infrastructure. Below you find a summary from the MS OCS team blog:

"The Edge Planning Tool for Office Communications Server 2007 is a tool that takes a user through a set of interview questions regarding the proposed or current edge server deployment. The tool interviews users about their perimeter network settings as well as some questions regarding their internal deployment.

Based on the answers to these questions and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 best practices, the tool generates a set of 6 reports.

The first report is a best practices report. This report compares the user’s answers to Office Communications Server 2007 best practices and using a stoplight based UI, shows the users whether they are in line with the best practices or not. The UI consists of a banner that is either green or red with a blurb of text underneath stating why it is a best practice. The report also lists the common pitfalls and errors that users have been known to make – so users of the tool can read them and ensure that they don’t fall in the same traps.

The next report that is created is the OCS Admin report. This report is generated for the OCS Administrators as it has all of the configuration settings in one report. This report is broken down into 5 sections: Edge Report, Reverse Proxy Report, Next Hop Report, Edge Server Configuration Documentation and Internal Director/Pool Configuration Documentation.
The first sections of the report are table based reports that have the settings for each of these servers. The reports have information on the FQDNs, IPs, Firewall Rules, Certificate and DNS settings.

The last two sections of the report consist of documentation that is taken from various Office Communications Server 2007 resources. The documentation is modified to include the actually settings. For example in the current documentation it says: “In the Next Hop Network Address textbox, enter the FQDN of your Director or Pool”, the custom documentation report would say this: “In the Next Hop Network Address textbox, enter the FQDN of your Director or Pool (”. On top of the customized settings, these sections also provide screenshots of where you would apply the settings with captions under the screenshots stating exactly what settings to set.

The next 4 reports were designed to be handed off to the various teams in your organization: Certificate, Firewall, DNS and Custom Documentation. These reports are stripped down versions of the OCS Admin report. The main point behind this is that it saves the OCS Admin from having to get the necessary data that needs to be provided to the various teams.
The configuration settings that are provided in the reports should be used to setup the edge servers in your organization. This tool does not pull any information from your servers nor does it apply any of the settings. It should only be used to generate configuration settings."